Come for the bagels, stay for the fun!
Let’s face it, everyone needs a bagel.
And babka. And challah. And a buttery, layered chocolate rugelach pastry for breakfast, whether you’re an early riser, or your breakfast happens when the sun is on its way down. No judgement.
At Avner’s we’re all about doing things the way that would make your bubbe proud. We cure and hand-slice our own lox, we smoke our own pastrami, we make all our own preserves, and we have a slight obsession with old-world fermented pickling.
In fact, we’re more than just your favourite bakery, your best-kept-secret lunch spot, and the place you stop for incredible coffee and a chat. We’d like to think you feel at home, because after all, we know you’re part of the family. Bubbe says so.